الاثنين، 15 يناير 2018

Best Questions About toilette after Sex

After sex, for a woman, you must urinate to avoid " urinary tract infections. "  But the toilet is not essential after sex.
"We must not fall into excess or lack of hygiene. intimate Hygiene is a daily hygiene, external. It is a vulva toilet with a mild product. It does not necessarily need a specific product, except in case of vulvar problems.

Why can a gel at physiological pH (5.5) cause more fungal infections than gels at pH 8.5?
A gel at physiological pH can cause more fungal infections because Candida albicans resists acidity. It is the only one to resist acidity. This is why it is necessary to use essentially acidic soaps for all except for women who have repeated fungal infections. In this case it is necessary to alkalize. All products with different pHs must be used according to a diagnosis made. Self-medication can be inappropriate so you have to consult. For a woman who suffers from repeated vulvovaginitis, a diagnosis is essential.
What  products to wash  your private parts?
There are no specific products. The sweet cleaning syndet, the overgrown bread used for the toilet are enough. In the little girl, we often have vulvitis linked to a certain number of things. The training in cleanliness is done gradually in children who pass from kindergarten to primary school. Usually at this age, little girls are holding back to pee between classes, and do not wipe properly ... So we often have vulvitis in girls aged 3 years to 5 years. We must therefore be careful to wash the girl well, to teach her how to wash when she is bigger with the finger, with the hand on the external genitalia.

The funnel  (GO GIRLS urinal) method Best&Easy Methode
Devices for female voiding have been in existence for nearly 100 years and their designs have been improved over the last thirty years. They are available in disposable and disposable models in pharmacies and on the internet.

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