الاثنين، 15 يناير 2018

Sperm to cure Cancer


According to a study. Sperm could in the near future carry anticancer drugs in the cervix.

Sperm, new weapon against cancer of the cervix? This is a very serious work carried out by researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (Germany), published in the journal ACS Nan . They had the idea of using spermatozoa to transport chemotherapy to the tumor. Male gametes play the role of delivery carrier here. They are very mobile: thanks to their flagella, they are able to trace the female reproductive system. Spermatozoa can also transfer the membrane of a cell.

Avoid the side effects of chemotherapy
The spermatozoon (renamed "spermbot", which means "robot-spermatozoid") has been modified. It contains an anticancer drug, doxorubicin (or adriamycin), and it is equipped with a kind of micro-harness containing iron to be guided to the tumor by an electro-magnetic device. According to the researchers, thanks to this experiment, carried out in the laboratory, 87% of the cancer cells were destroyed in three days.
By targeting only cancer cells, treatments would cause fewer side effects, often encountered during chemotherapy (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). Chemotherapy has the major disadvantage of not distinguishing cancer cells from healthy cells. The "spermbot" could also, according to the researchers, be used against endometriosis or ectopic pregnancies. Nevertheless, for the moment, the system has only been tested in the laboratory, and it raises many questions. Among them: how to avoid a pregnancy to the treated patient?

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