الجمعة، 19 يناير 2018

How to apply shampoo for stopping hair loss + best shampoos


Washing your hair is a daily gesture that we all think we can control it , as it may seem simple and banal. However, many people are unaware that they apply their shampoo badly and may thus damage their hair in the long term .The right things to know to avoid this mistakes .

1-    Disentangle or detangle hair before washing
Detangling is an absolutely essential step before washing your hair, whatever their nature.

2-    Massage your scalp with your fingertips during the shampoo, without rubbing.
For your shampoo to be effective, you must first know the right gesture to apply it.
Take a small amount of product and lightly lather it between your fingers. Then massage your skull at the root level with slight circular movements. It is very important that you actually massage your skull by taking off the roots of your hair. Circular movements, with the fingertips, can well dislodge dirt. However, make sure to go smoothly: if you rub too hard, you risk attacking your scalp which will produce more sebum.

3-    Pay special attention to the scalp and leave the hair lengths alone.
You must focus on your skull because it is the skull that accumulates the most dirt. On the other hand, it is often unnecessary to rub your lengths. They actually require a much less vigorous washing. Also, the simple fact that the shampoo flows on your lengths during the rinsing is enough that they are perfectly clean.

4-Don’t neglect the step of rinsing the shampoo.
Take your time to rinse your hair! A badly rinsed shampoo is a shampoo that will make your hair heavy and sticky by acting like a dust magnet. To avoid finding yourself in this situation, don’t hesitate to devote several minutes to this step: your hair should crunch under your fingers when you wring them out. You will then have the assurance of being rid of any product residue.

