الأربعاء، 17 يناير 2018

Evolution of the clitoris representation

The organ has indeed gone throug h several phases, a period of scientific progress.

1 -  In XVIe century, the discovery  
In 1558, it is the great discovery. The anatomist Colombo speaks, for the first time, of the clitoris. It essentially describes its  ‘erogenous function’. "We have to wait until 1600 for the first graphic representation, it was already very close to reality, we could see the glans, the body and the two pillars.

2- 1850, the big step
In 1850, the studies of the  anatomist Georg LudwigKobelt are published in French.
There are great discoveries on the clitoris: the vestibular bulbs, . "He also understood, following the nerves, that the clitoris grouped a very large amount of nerve endings," adds Jean-Claude Piquard.

In medical writings published in the XIXe century, the sexologists greets a great knowledge of the organ. "He was known and recognized as an organ of female pleasure." At the time, female "sexual spasms" are considered necessary for increasing fertility .

3-1880 The tumble :
Only around 1880, medicine discovered that procreation is linked to the meeting between the sperm and the egg, and that the egg depends on the menstrual cycle, not at all female pleasure .

4-The slow understanding, until 2017
It is the Australian urologist Helen O'Connell who comes to break the omerta, in 1998. She decides to publish a detailed drawing of the clitoris, which one can observe here.


